Business News

business news

Business news is the part of journalism that covers the economic and financial activities of society. It is most often found in newspaper and magazine articles, though it can also appear on television, radio and online news sources. While many people think of business news as being strictly about the economy, the scope of business news is actually much broader. Business news can include stories about the retail and service industries, as well as the manufacturing and technology sectors. It can also cover the effects of changes in government policies and regulations on businesses.

Business newspapers and magazines tend to have a broad scope and focus on the general business world, while trade publications may offer more specific coverage of an industry. The Library of Congress has several print and microform business news sources available, including the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and the Financial Times. These sources are available for research in the Newspaper and Current Periodicals Room.

In addition to news and analysis, business newspapers and magazines often contain advertising that can help a company attract customers or investors. Some of these ads are placed by large companies looking to market themselves nationally or globally, while others are specialized ads meant to target particular demographics such as women or minorities.

Whether it’s a story about an impending merger or the latest earnings report, business news is all around us. It’s a critical element of our daily lives and it’s important to keep up with it in order to stay ahead of the curve.

Amanda Larkins is a Client Success Specialist at Centerfield and has worked with business owners across the country to help them find solutions that work for their unique business needs. She provides end-to-end customer acquisition expertise, helping clients to grow their traffic, leads and repeat business. Prior to joining the team at BND, Amanda held positions in the tech and marketing space with Monster and TechTarget.

Lending a hand to the business community is what drives the staff at BND. Our goal is to help small businesses and entrepreneurs make informed decisions with the right tools at their disposal to achieve success. Whether it’s a new way to manage finances, or finding the best tools for an HR department, we have you covered. Our editorial and SEO teams are ready to support you with the content you need to be successful in today’s digital business world.