Unlike some other sections of the Messenger, the arts and entertainment section (A4 and A5) houses reviews of concerts, plays, musicals, dance performances, and whatever else goes on at St. Olaf’s stages. Writing an article about entertaiment requires a different style than typical news writing, in order to engage and transport your audience. This next technique, painting pictures with words, will help you do just that.
The word “entertain” carries a connotation of fun and laughter, although many entertainments have serious intent (such as the various forms of ceremony, celebration, religious festival, or satire). Entertainment is an experience that can be adapted to any scale: a private performance for two; a dinner party with music and dancing; a banquet for a thousand; or an entire nation’s inauguration and spectacle. The etymology of the word is instructive: The Latin prefix inter means “inside,” and the Latin suffix tenere means to hold inside.