The New Law – New Ways to Look at Law

The New Law focuses on legal topics that affect all of us, including changes to our Constitution and laws passed by Congress, state legislatures and local governments. We’re also devoted to helping readers stay informed about developments in legal practice and policy.

NYLS Students Take Part in a Historic Panel Discussion with the Honorable Sylvia Hinds-Radix

NYLS Professor Penelope Andrews participated in a panel discussion with the Honorable Sylvia Hinds-Radix on October 19 to discuss the impact of recent Supreme Court decisions on women’s rights, family law, and gender equality in the workplace.

Amid a growing concern over the safety and security of migrants seeking asylum, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced an expansion of resources to help these individuals during their journey to the United States. NYLS Professors Rebecca Roiphe and Jeffrey Wice are among the lawyers who are partnering with the city.

Professors Roiphe and Wice are also collaborating on a project that examines how the Trump administration’s immigration policy impacts immigrants’ ability to access federal benefits such as health insurance and social services. The professors will be discussing the research findings in a forthcoming article in the Columbia Law Review.

New York Law School is pleased to announce that it has been selected by the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) as a co-host law school for the Journal of Legal Education. NYLS will join the University of Michigan, Boston College, and University of San Diego in supporting the publication of JLE.

The AALS has launched a searchable database of current law review articles featuring law student authors. The database allows users to view all the articles published in a given law review during a particular period, as well as to switch what year they are viewing on the fly. The database is available here.

A new way to look at law

As the world grapples with the effects of sexual assault and harassment in the workplace, legal professionals are finding new ways to serve clients and improve their firms’ cultures. One of the most promising approaches is “law new,” a term that refers to innovative forms of legal service that are outside of a firm’s core practices.

The database can be searched by law firm or individual lawyer, and it includes both student and professional work from journals across the country. It is possible to browse the database by subject area as well, and to sort the results by date of publication. The AALS also offers a tool to filter the database by whether the article has been cited in peer-reviewed sources, which is important for legal educators and scholars. This database is updated daily. For more information on the AALS and its databases, please visit the AALS website.